#18567 SmartRaceARC beta

Closed Created by @Ish - 1 comment

From @Ish 19.02.2025, 14:32

The assigned cars do not appear on the race screen until it passes the sensor. At the end of the race, my cars would stop as assigned, except cars on the white controller. The car would keep running after the race.

@Ish updated the description 19.02.2025, 14:34
@Ish added the label iOS 19.02.2025, 14:34
#1 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 14:36 Owner

Thank you. That the cars only appear on the screen after they passed the sensor for the first time is actually by design.

For the other issue, this is probably related to #18554 

@smartrace closed this 19.02.2025, 14:36

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